Resident Winemaker - Kailash Dhuru

Kailash Dhuru is the resident winemaker of d'Ori Winery, having received his training under his mentor, Monsieur Athanase Fakorellis, the renowned oenologist from Bordeaux.
Kailash has also had extensive 'hands on' training at Chateau Loudenne, a training chateau in the Medoc region of Bordeaux, and has toured several famous chateaux in the region. He has selected processes and procedures from different wineries to suit Indian conditions and implemented them at the d'Ori winery. An Engineering graduate in Production, he oversaw the construction and installation of process systems of the d'Ori Winery. Along with Monseuir Fakorellis, Kailash has assisted in producing all Chateau d'Ori wines. He is the resident oenologist at d'Ori winery.